Libby Blanchard PhD
Research Associate, Climate and Environmental Governance,
Wilkes Center for Climate Science & Policy

Comment Letters
Joint Commentary on SBTi’s Discussion Paper: Aligning Corporate Value Chains to Global Climate Goals, specifically on question 13c on the use of Carbon Credits towards company scope 3 targets, submitted to SBTi on October 4, 2024, with coauthors from the University of Utah Wilkes Center for Climate Science and Policy, and University of Oxford's Oxford Net Zero
Joint Commentary on SBTi’s Discussion Paper: Aligning Corporate Value Chains to Global Climate Goals, specifically on question 13b on the use of Commodity Certificates towards company scope 3 targets, submitted to SBTi on October 4, 2024, with coauthors from the University of Utah Wilkes Center for Climate Science and Policy, and University of Oxford's Oxford Net Zero
Climate-targets group should rescind its endorsement of carbon offsets
William R.L. Anderegg and Libby Blanchard (2024), Nature
Comment on Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Guidance Regarding the Listing of Voluntary Carbon Credit Derivative Contracts, RIN 3038–AF40, submitted to the CFTC on February 16, 2024
Comments on the Intergrity Council for the Voluntary Offset Market (ICVCM) draft Core Carbon Principles, Assessment Framework, and Assessment Framework, submitted to the ICVCM on September 27, 2022
Comments on ARB’s proposed endorsement of the Tropical Forest Standard: environmental integrity concerns, submitted to the California Air Resources Board on August 29, 2019.
Joint comment letter from 110 social and conservation scientists on California’s proposed Tropical Forest Standard (TFS), submitted to the California Air Resources Board on November 14, 2018.
In 2019, I testified to the California Air Resources Board (Cal-EPA) on their proposed Tropical Forest Standard for existing and emerging cap and trade programs. My testimony was quoted in this San Francisco Chronicle article about the approval of this controversial standard.