Libby Blanchard PhD
Research Associate, Climate and Environmental Governance,
Wilkes Center for Climate Science & Policy

Reports & White Papers
Investing in Nature for Sustainability: corporate insights from science and practice
Amy Luers et al. (2024), Microsoft
Allen et al. (2024), Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment and Oxford Net Zero
Quality Assessment of REDD+ Carbon Credit Projects
Barbara K. Haya et al. (2023), Berkeley Carbon Trading Project, UC Berkeley
Peer-Reviewed Research Papers
The history of "contribution" approaches for climate mitigation: a narrative review (2024), preprint submitted for peer-review
Funding forests' climate potential without carbon offsets
Libby Blanchard et al. (2024), One Earth
Investigating the Consistency of a Pro-Market Perspective Amongst Conservationists
Libby Blanchard et al. (2017), Chapter 6 in The Anthropology of Conservation NGOs: Rethinking the Boundaries
Interrogating Public Debates over Jurisdictional REDD+ in California's Global Warming Solutions Act: Implications for Social Equity
Libby Blanchard and Bhaskar Vira (2017) Chapter 10 in The Carbon Fix: Forest Carbon, Social Justice, and
Environmental Governance
Investigating consistency of a pro-market perspective amongst conservationists
Libby Blanchard et al. (2016) Conservation & Society
The Lost Narrative: Ecosystem Service Narratives and the Missing Wasatch Watershed Conservation Story (2015) Ecosystem Services
December 2015
* This paper is now part of the Cambridge University conservation leadership
teaching curriculum and has received coverage from Cambridge University and the Conversation.